♥ Liliana ♥Originals Red`s little secrets ♥RLS Dress Liliana // AXS Event July 15 to August 5 ♥Body Belleza / Maitreya & Petite / Perky / Slink / Legacy RLS Liliana Dress is a sexy solid or sheer Dress it is your choise. In one of the 16 Single Packs you can pick on of your favorite color(s) out of 8. You can purchase the solid one or the 50 % sheer version. In the Fatpack you got all Styles and all colors. At the special 50 L$ Axs Event are only the single packs available. Mainstore ♥Head LeLUTKA EVOX ♥Body [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) ♥Hair DOUX - Minji hairstyle ♥ Song ♥Model, Photographer : Camila Astermann.