♥I Dont care ♥Originals True Damage ♥True Damage-I Dont care ♥Body Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya ♥True Damage-Danna Top ♥Body Maitre / Legacy ♥True Damage-Jaden Scars EVO X ♥ Facebook ♥ Mais tore ♥♥♥ ♥Originals OJAYO ♥ OJAYO - Olivia Top This weekind for 75 l on sale ( After the weekend it will go back to normal price ) ♥ OJAYO - Olivia Denim Jacket w/straps ♥Body Legacy/ Maitreya ♥Head LeLUTKA ♥Body Maitreya ♥Hair DOUX - Shai hairstyle ♥ Song ♥Model: Camila astermann.